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Business Liquidation Auctions | Restaurant Equipment Auctions

Business Liquidations Auctions

20150803 141132
Fork Truck 2
Fork Trucks
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Industrial Items
Racking 2

We can help you with your business liquidation needs. We have experience in all sorts of business liquidation auctions. Why not call us at (314) 680-8599 to discuss your needs?

Restaurant Equipment & Bar Auctions

Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 2 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 3 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 4 416x208 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 5 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 6 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 7 416x208 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 8 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 9 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment booths 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment fryers 2 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment fryers 315x157 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment Manitowoc Ice Maker 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment Stainless Steel Prep Table 500x250 1
Auction St Louis restaurant equipment Tables and Chairs 500x250 1

We have lots of experience selling restaurant and bar equipment at auction. We would love to talk to you about your needs. Call us today at (314) 680-8599.

Let us expose your business to a large audience of bidders online!

Business Liquidation Fork Trucks
Business Liquidation Fork Truck 2
Business Liquidation Auction St. Louis Bantum Crane
Business Liquidation Auction Tractor
Business Liquidation Auction Industrial Compressor
Business Liquidation Auction Crane Truck
Auction St Louis Business Liquidation Lull Forktruck

We provide online bidding services and up to the minute, state of the art marketing for your assets!

Let us expose your assets to the largest bidder base. We use state of the art marketing, in fact our auctioneer was the Chairman of the re-write committee for the National Auctioneers Associations advanced Auction Marketing Manager Course. Let us put that knowledge to work for you!

Don’t trust your business liquidation to an amateur. Business liquidation sales are one of our specialties. We have conducted business liquidation auctions all over the state of Missouri from Carthage to St. Louis to Doniphan, MO.

St Louis Business Auctions and More

We offer online business liquidation services, and bring world class marketing techniques to your auction. In our business liquidation sales we feature cutting edge social media marketing, therefore you benefit by exposing your assets where people are really spending their time. Our restaurant auctions, and restaurant equipment auctions we are able to use our marketing experience to find the market wherever your assets are located. If you have a restaurant with equipment to auction give us a call today at (314) 680-8599 and let us help you get started! Many of our restaurant auctions attract bidders from all over the Midwest.

Restaurant and Bar Auctions

Our online restaurant auction allow bidders from other areas to participate from their home, office or phone, because people spend so much time on their phones these days you get in front of them wherever they are. Our auctions website is responsive as are our websites allowing our bidders to bid in our auctions from any type of device in comfort and ease.

When we conduct St Louis restaurant equipment auctions we have drawn bidders from all over Missouri and Illinois, and from as far away as Ohio. We look forward to discussing your restaurant equipment auction needs with you. Call us today!

We don’t own a Restaurant Resale Business

Not every auctioneer in the area can say that. We don’t have a horse in the race. Bidders do not like to bet against the house. We hear from many of our bidders that they will not go to a business auction or a restaurant auction where the auctioneer is bidding against them and then resells the assets in their own restaurant supply business.

Our Online Auction Software

The software we use to conduct our auctions allows us to configure your auction so that all of the lots do not end at once but have a interval between lots. Depending on the size of your auction we can configure this time to be just a few seconds or longer. This allows the bidders time to move from lot to lot and get their bids in our your items in the auction. We also have a soft close feature, that means that nobody can bid in the last second and shut down bidding by running out the clock. If someone bids in the last few minutes the lot just extends automatically this allows the person that was outbid to get another bid back in and then the lot will extend again. This continues over and over until nobody bids for the set amount of time (say 2 or 3 minutes).

It’s Not Our First Rodeo

We have been in the auction business since 2001 and have conducted thousands of auctions. Our auctioneer served on the board of directors of the Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association (MPAA) and as the MPAA President Elect and President. He also served as an Educational Trustee, Conference and Show Committee Chair, and Speaker for the National Auctioneers Association (NAA). Why not put all that experience to work for you?

Local Auctioneer, World Class Marketing

We know the area, we are long time St. Louis area residents. Our auctioneer was not born here, but up upstate New York to a carrier Army man, and later Joined the Army himself and served 6 years getting out as a Sgt E5. However when not globetrotting for the Army he has been right here. Our other partner is St. Louis born and raised.

We Understand Equipment

Our auctioneer previously worked at McDonnell Douglas in Sas an Direct Numerical Control Electrician, Nordyne as a Electrical Technician and Testing Engineer, The US Army as a Secure Communication Technician (CRYPTO repairman) and was an Electrical Trades Instructor for the St. Charles School District. He understands equipment, he worked on a lot of it. He understands 3 Phase power, he has hooked it up before on many occasions. He knows fork trucks, he has worked on them for years.

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