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November 2019

Bayonets And Bayonet Collections We Have Sold

In 2018 we sold these bayonets from the bayonet collection of retired US Army Col. Peter Kilburn a retired Army Trauma Surgeon. Col. Kilburn had been collecting bayonets for over 65 years. Col. Kilburn’s collection covered three main areas, bayonets from the US, bayonets from the United Kingdom and bayonets from Germany. We had bidders from 26 states and 4 countries that participated in the auctions we conducted for Col. Kilburn. Our bidders were from as far away as New Zealand. Col. Kilburn found us on a Google search. The auctioneer he had purchased most of his bayonets from had died, and other’s places he purchased from were out of… Read More »Bayonets And Bayonet Collections We Have Sold

Real Full Truck at Auction

Why We Don’t Pick Up or Bring Bidders Things Back From Our Auctions

It happens all the time, our phone rings, we get a text or an email from a bidder telling us that they can’t make the pickup because they don’t feel well, have to work, they have a birthday to celebrate, or someone is in the hospital. The list goes on and on and on. We know that sometimes things happen, but this is why we have shippers. They can pick up your winnings for a fee, we can’t. After an auction we have cases to bring back, and tables (sometimes lots of tables, like 12 in this auction) traffic cones, signs, and often workers, we just don’t have room to… Read More »Why We Don’t Pick Up or Bring Bidders Things Back From Our Auctions

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